The Hadeeth:

– ليصل الرجل في المسجد الذي يليه و لا يتبع المساجد( طب ) عن ابن عمر . قال الشيخ الألباني : ( صحيح ) انظر حديث رقم : 5456 في صحيح الجامع

On the authority of Abdullah bin Umar that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said:

“Each of you should pray at the mosque that is nearest to him. You should not follow different mosques.”

Reported by al-Tabarânî and authenticated by al-Imaam Albany.

Al-Manaawi, rahimahullah commented on the aforementioned Hadeeth by saying:

أي لا يصلي في هذا مرة، وفي هذا مرة، على وجه التنقل فيها فإنها خلاف الأولى

“Meaning he should not pray in this (masjid) once and pray in other once in a manner of merely moving from one place to another, for verily it is contrary to what is preferable…”

However as Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen mentioned, there is a difference of opinion on the authenticity of this hadeeth; some scholars declare this Hadeeth to be weak. Allah knows best.

A Narration on Umar bin Khattaab:

في عهد عمر بن الخطاب فرقا في المسجد في رمضان هاهنا وها هنا فكان الناس يميلون إلى أحسنهم صوتا فقال عمر ألا أراهم قد اتخذوا القرآن أغاني أما والله لئن استطعت لأغيرن هذا قال فلم يمكث إلا ثلاث ليال حتى أمر أبي بن كعب فصلى بهم ثم قام في آخر الصفوف فقال لئن كانت هذه بدعة لنعمت البدعة هي

During the time of Umar bin al-Khattaab , may Allah be pleased with him, the Muslims used to pray in groups during Ramadan – here and there – in the mosque. People would incline to pray behind those who had the best voices. Umar , may Allah be pleased with him, said, “Do I not see that they are treating the Quran like a song? By Allah, if I can, I will change this.” Three nights later, Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, instructed Ubay bin Ka’b to lead the people in prayer, then stood behind the rows and said, “If this is an innovation, then what a good innovation it is.”

[At-Tabaqaat al-Kubaraa (5/59)]

The Permanent Committee was asked the following question:


What is the ruling on going to different Masjids (mosques), seeking the sweet voice of the Imam to attain Khushu‘ (the heart being attuned to the act of worship) and attention of the heart?


The opinion which appears to be more correct, and Allah knows best, is that there is nothing wrong with that if it is intended as a means that helps one acquire Khushu‘ and feel relief and tranquil at heart during Salah (Prayer). (This is) because not every voice relieves the ears. In case you intend to go and listen to so-and-so in order to perfect your Salah and gain submission, there is no blame. Moreover, this act may be praised and rewarded, according to the intention. A person may feel spiritual submission behind an Imam and does not feel the same behind another, because of the difference between the two recitations and the performed Salahs. If one’s intention to go to a remote Masjid is to listen to the Imam’s sweet voice and benefit from that and to feel reverential humility during Salah, not just prompted by an inclination or to have a walk, but rather to gain benefit, knowledge and tranquility in Salah, there is nothing wrong with that. It is authentically reported in the Sahih (authentic) Hadith from the Prophet (peace be upon him) that he said: The people who will earn the greatest reward for Salah are those who walk the farthest to reach it (the Masjid), then the next farthest and so on. If they intend to increase the steps they take (to and from the Masjid), this is also a good aim.”


Ash-Shaykh al-Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy upon him, said when he was asked about this affair:

أرى أنه لا بأس بذالك، لكن الأفضل أن يصلي الإنسان في مسجده،

“I see that there is no harm in that. However, it’s better the person prays at his (local) masjid”

لأجل أن يجتمع الناس حول إمامهم، وفي مساجدهم، ولأجل أن لا تخلوا المساجد من الناس،
“So that the people can come together upon their (local) imaams, in their (local) masjids and in order that the masjids don’t become empty of people”

ولأجل أن لا يكثر الزحام عند المسجد الذي يكون قراءة إيمامه جيدة، فيحصل في هذا إرتباك، وربما يحصل في هذا أمر مكروه

“And so that there is no crowding around the masjid of whose imaam has an excellent voice, whereas it will occur by that confusion and perhaps it may even occur in this (scenario) an unpleasant matter…”


Ash-Shaykh al-Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy upon him, also said:

فالذي أرى أنه لا بأس أن الإنسان يذهب إلى مسجد حسن الصوت، إذا كان هذا ألذ وأطيب لقلبه وأخشع؛ ولكن يُلاحظ أنه إذا كان هناك من يطبق السنة أكثر فهو أولى،

“…That which I hold, is that it is okay for a person to go to a masjid for a good recitation, if this is more pleasant and good for his heart and a greater khusho’ for his heart. However, he should observe that if there is an (imam) who practices the sunnah more than he has more precedence…”

Source: ramadan sessions of the year 1410, fourth lesson.

Ash-Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzan, may Allah preserve him, said:

هذا في الجقيقة فيه محظورات، المحظور الأول أن هذا من التذوق، تذوق الأصوات، ماهو رغبة في الصلاة،

“This in reality contains some prohibited matters, the first prohibited matter, is that this is merely trying out different voices and its not for the purpose of having interest in the prayer”

فإن له تذوق للأصوات، صوت فلان أحسن من صوت فلان، وما جاء رغبة في الصلاة

“Indeed it is for the reason of trying out different voices; (to say) so-and-so’s voice is better than so-and-so’s voice while he didn’t come for the purpose of having interest in the prayer”

وإنما جاء ليسمع الصوت فقط، الناحية الثانية، أن هذا يحملٌ بعض الأئمة على المباهاة، فإذا رأى الناس يجتمعون عليه فإن هذا يزيده إعجابا،

“He only came to hear the voice and the next prohibited matter is that it leads the imaams of the prayers to boast, whereas if he were to see the people gathering for him, then this will increase him in self amazement…”


Translated by
AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr