أعرض عن الجاهل السفيـه = فكل مـا قـال فهـو فيـه

“Turn away from the ignoramus, fool — for verily everything that he utters (of criticism) is actually relating to him”

الغريق يتشبث بأي شيء و لو بطحلب

“The one drowning holds on to anything even if it may be seaweed!”

يا فصيح إلى من تصيح

“Oh eloquent one, to who are you screaming?”

إلى ديان يوم الدين نمضي ******* وعند الله تجتمع الخصوم

“And to Allah on the Day of Judgement we will depart — And to Allah will come to meet those in dispute”

ركضة المستميت

“The last kicks of the one on the verge of (his) demise”
~ Imaam Shaafi’

الحق شمس و العيون نواظر*** لكنها تخفى على العميان

“The truth is the sun while the eyes are for seeing *** However it (i.e. the sun) is hidden to the blind”

قد تنكر العين ضوء الشمس من رمد — و قد ينكر الفم طعم الماء من سقم

“The eye can probably deny sunlight due to sickness of the eye — likewise the mouth can probably deny the taste of water due to illness”.

اصبر على حسد الحسود**فإن صبرك قاتله
فالنار تأكل بعضها **إن لم تجد ما تأكله

“Remain patient upon the envy of the jealous, for indeed patience will deter him *** Indeed the fire will devour itself if it does not find anything else to burn.”

إن عادت العقرب عدنا لها وكانت النعل لها حاضره

“If the scorpion returns, we shall return as well, and the shoe will be present (ready) for it”

لو كان حبك صادقا لأطعته**إن المحب لمن يحب مطيع

“If your love was true, you would have obeyed him. **Verily the one who loves (an individual) is obedient to him”.

لا تحقرنّ صغيرا في مخاصمة إنّ البعوضة تدمي مقلة الأسد

“Do not belittle the young one in an argument for verily the mosquito is capable of bringing out blood from the eyelid of The Lion”.

و تشبهوا إن لم تكونوا مثلهم— إن التشبه بالكرام فلاح

“Resemble (them) if you cannot be exactly like them—For verily resembling the noble ones is prosperity”.

ما من يد إلا يد الله فوقها و ما من ظالم إلا سيبلى بظالم

“There is no hand except Allah’s hand is over it – And there is no oppressor except that he will be trialed by (another) oppressor”.

أسمع جعجعة و لا أرى طحنا

“I hear a lot of talk but no action”
~ Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani

فقد نصحتك إن قبلت نصيحتي
النصح أغلى ما يباع و يوهب

“Verily I have advised you if you wish to accept my advice.*** The advice is more precious than of what is being sold and being given as a gift”

علي نحت القوافي من معادنها وما علي إذا لم تفهم البقر

“It is only upon me to strive to make my speech clear and it is not upon me if the cow (a metaphor for an unwise person) does not understand”.
~ Shaykh Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi’i

القول لا يصح لفضل قائله إنما بدلالة الدليل عليه

“A statement is not correct (merely) due to the virtue of the one who said it. Rather (it is considered correct) only by the proof indicating (its correctness).”

يا ناطح الجبل ليوهنه أشفق على الرأس لا تشفق على الجبل

“Oh you who wish to strike the mountain to weaken it — Show mercy upon your head, and not for the mountain”.

واترك الخمرة إن كنت فتى ** كيف يسعى في جنون من عقل

“Abandon off alcohol if you’re truly a young man ** How rapidly does it causes one to lose his mind”

Mentioned and Translated by

AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr