
Is it a sunnah for one to sacrifice a hady [sacrificial animal] after Umrah?


Ash-Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen, rahimahullah, was asked the following question:

السؤال: قرأت في بعض كتب الفقه أنه يشرع للمعتمر أن يذبح هدياً بعد عمرته استحباباً، هل هذا من السنن المندثرة في هذا الوقت، وحبذا لو نبهتمونا على هذه السنة إن كانت سنة وجزاكم الله خيراً؟


I read in some of the books of fiqh that it is legislated for a person who is performing Umrah to sacrifice a hady (an sacrificial animal) after his Umrah since it is  something recommended. Therefore is this from the sunnahs which have become forgotten in this era and if so, how wonderful would it be if you can remind us of this sunnah and may Allah reward you with good?

الجواب: هذه من السنن المندثرة، لكن ليس السنة أنك إذا اعتمرت اشتريت شاة وذبحتها، السنة أن تسوق الشاة معك تأتي بها من بلادك أو على الأقل من الميقات أو من أدنى حل عند بعض العلماء، ويسمى هذا (سوق الهدي) أما أن تذبح بعد العمرة بدون سوق فهذا ليس من السنة.


This is from the sunnahs which have become forgotten. However, it is not a sunnah that when you perform Umrah you purchase a sheep or a goat and slaughter it. The Sunnah is to bring the sheep or the goat with you from your country or at least from the places specified for the pilgrims to commence their state of Ihram or in the opinion of some scholars from the nearest area outside the Haram. And this [act] is called sawqul hady. As for slaughtering it after the completion of Umrah without bringing it along with you, then this isn’t from the Sunnah.


Translated and Answered by

AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr