Sometimes when people rant, vent, or get upset, they say things that they do not actually mean at the moment. This usually results in an apology afterwards for those statements and a feeling of regret. To help tackle this habit, we should adhere to the guidance offered by the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salam.

On the authority of Abdullah ibn Umar radiallahu anhumma that the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salam said:

وإيَّاكَ وما يُعتَذَرُ منهُ

“And beware of what needs to be apologized for”

[Saheeh Targheeb no. 3350]

Imam al-Munaawi rahimahullah said:

أي احذر أن تتكلم بما تحتاج أن تعتذر عنه

“That is: beware of speaking with what you will need to apologize from..”

[Fayd ul-Qadir]

The same goes for actions as comes in another version of the Hadith:

إياكَ وكُلَّ أَمْرٍ يُعْتَذَرُ منهُ

“And beware of every affair that needs to be apologized for”

[Saheeh Jami no. 2671]

Imam as-San’aani rahimahullah said:

أي احذر إتيان كل أمر من قول أو فعل يوجب الاعتذار، إما معصية توجب الاعتذار بالتوبة عنها، أو فعل يوجب الاعتذار من الناس، أو قول، فالحديث جامع للمنع عن كل ما يقتضي الاعتذار وإطلاق ما لا عذر فيه

“That is: beware of performing an affair from speech or action that requires an apology, whether it be disobedience which requires repentance or an action which requires an apology to the people. So the Hadith is comprehensive in preventing everything that requires an apology and performing what does not have an excuse for it ”

[Tanweer Sharh Jami as-Sagheer]

So we learn that everything that will lead to a future apology, should be left off. I think this is especially important in today’s culture where people rant recklessly on social media, celebrities included, only to apologize from that after a few hours.

May Allah grant us beneficial knowledge and the honor of the Sunnah

Translated by

Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan